Facebook Clone Site


Lately a lot of sites popping up cloning site of popular big sites. one of them are the facebook site clone . there are some facebook sites clone that I know and provide source script to be downloaded , like supreme, kootali. while those of the website and can not be downloaded as:
soendastreet.com, facebookclonescript.com. facebook clone script that can be downloaded requires an official license from the provider. whereas if you want to get for free, many site has been providing it. in this paper will review facebookclonescript.com site.
The image above is a screenshot of the site. when viewed from index pageviews looks much like the original. but if further understood, there is a part of facebook disguised writing of the letter F and B. like the picture that was given a red line. Writing became ook ace. Social networking sites are very potential and very profitable for the internet business. why these days many sites popping up that resembles the famous sites.

to try and if you want to register please visit the site here



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