How to Make Yahoo Online Indicator


Criteria of good sites are the sites that provide online support facility to help visitors when facing difficulties. the Internet has provided a lot of yahoo online indicator. but if you want to create a display indicator use other images, for example using our images then it should be done is as follows:
  1. Create images for indicators online. (usually synonymous with online indicators bright colors) so you can creat them with adobe photoshop or another image editor, such as the image below:

  2. The second step we prepare the images offline indicator (identical with dark colors or as a term that is not active so identified with dark or grayscale picture).
  3. Upload images online and offline to image hosting. here exemplified upload, store the image url has been Uploaded.
  4. Then open the site. will appear like the following view:

    enter our ym id, url pictures online and offline that have been Uploaded. then click Get HTML code, and has obtained the HTML code, copy and paste into your website. result of generated script like the example below :

  5. Done.

Another example Yahoo Messenger indicator provided below :


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